Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our journey... the beginning

Our journey to becoming parents, has been a long one. Let's start from the beginning...

Randy and I met at work early in 2008. We began dating on March 17, 2008 and we were basically inseparable after our first date. December 23, 2008 he asked me to marry him and we were excited to plan our wedding. A very fast year and a half later we were married on June 5, 2010 at a beautiful outside ceremony surrounded by family and friends. In August 2010 we started talking about wanting to start our family. Our trying to conceive journey started in September of 2010.

After a year of trying without any luck, we decided to go to the doctor and see what they had to say. My OB put me on clomid for 3 months, stating that if I didn't need to have all the testing and the medication would work, then he didn't want to put me through testing. I was surprised that we didn't at least do blood work, but at the time was content with his reasoning. On the 3rd day of my 3rd cycle, I was very upset and called the doctor back wanting to start testing. He basically started it wasn't a good idea and said to come in when my next period started and we would scan my ovaries for cysts and go from there. Upset and frustrated I decided to just enjoy the holidays and forget about the cycle. So I called the fertility center and made an appointment for what should be the first day of my next period (Jan 10). Then I went on about enjoying Christmas and new years.

Jan 9, 2012 I took a pregnancy test before leaving the house for work. After seeing another negative test I went about my day. When I came home from work that night I looked at the test again and there was a faint line. Nervous and confused, I went to bed and woke up early the next morning to take another test, or two. Again, no line. So I fell asleep on the couch for a few hours and when I looked at the tests again, there was a faint line! Off to the store I go to get more (different brand!) tests. This time one of them has a very very faint line and the other has a very faint line. So I wake Randy up to get ready for our appointment. While he's getting ready I lay all the tests out for him to see when he walks downstairs. He's confused and says that he thinks they are all negative because the line is too faint. We get ready and head off to the RE office. I tell her about getting some faint positive tests and she says she thinks I am pregnant! and if I don't have my period by that Friday, Jan 13 to come in for a beta HCG test.

Friday morning I wake up to lots of bleeding and cramping. I call the office and they say they want me to still get the blood test done. The results are low... 12.6. They tell me it's probably a chemical pregnancy. I am sad, but OK with everything because I feel like I have answers. I now know I CAN get pregnant. Another blood test is scheduled for Monday to make sure my numbers go down. Monday comes and I get my lab work done at the hospital since I have to work. I never hear from the fertility center Monday so Tuesday when I wake up I take another pregnancy test to see if my numbers are down... instead I get a very positive test. I am confused so I take a digital test that says "pregnant" I can't believe my eyes! My betas come back for Monday of 50.4. My number are watched and by the end of the week are in the mid 200's. The doctor calls me and says that she wants to do an ultrasound on Saturday (Jan 21) to rule out a tubal pregnancy. I talk to her about my concerns about not being able to see anything if I am not as far along as we think I'm supposed to be and we end up scheduling the ultrasound for Monday Jan 23, my birthday.

Monday when we go in for the ultrasound, we are feeling good, happy and excited. Everything has been going well and we are excited to see our little bean! But this is not what happens. Instead the doctor says that she think she sees something in my right tube, and that my uterine lining is very thin and not something for a viable pregnancy. We are crushed. More blood is drawn and I am sent home. My levels come back 648 that day and I am to go in the following day to have another ultrasound to double check the first one and if nothing is seen, then methotrexate would be started. I am a mess and so upset. Randy tells me he doesn't want my tube to rupture and I tell him that if it's not in my tube I don't want to kill our baby. Tuesday morning I wake up and get ready. I am OK until we get to the office and I start to tear up as we walk in. Once we're in the exam room and the Doctor walks in, I break down completely. She comforts me and talks me through the steps of what will happen next. After I am calm(er) we start the ultrasound. The sonographer takes lots of pictures of my right ovary and tube and then moves to my left. The doctor tells me they don't see anything on either tube or ovary. When they go to the uterus they both say "What is that?" "Is that the beginning of a sac?" "I think it is" and the doctor tells me I'm "around 5 weeks". I tell her I'm not sure how to feel and she tells me to be cautiously optimistic. We have an intrauterine sac which is good. Randy and I are happy and confused! We wait anxiously until Friday (the 27th) for another ultrasound. We get good news again. The sac is bigger and there is what they think to be the beginning of a yolk sac. The doctor now tells me I'm measuring 5w 1d. We are thrilled that there was growth!!

We now are waiting patiently... or trying to.... for this Friday (Feb 3) for another ultrasound. Fingers crossed everything goes well!! Grow baby Grow! :)

Long post I know, now that it's all out, they wont be as long ;)

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